Sunday, March 28, 2010

A day in the life

Today was a perfect example of a typical day in Ukraine. I woke up this morning with no particular plan for the day other than to recuperate from my mini-illness and prepare for work tomorrow. I finally ventured out at around 2:30 to go to the pharmacy and buy some headache medicine and then went to the market to pick up a few groceries. After the groceries I was on my way out and decided, "oh, maybe I will pop upstairs to the 'mall' and see if my friend Lena is working in her store." So I turn the corner and who do I see? Sasha, my friend and Lena's husband as he is buying a computer game at a small shop, we chit chat for a bit and I head upstairs to check Lena's store. Sure enough, as I round the corner I see her face light up and hear "Saritchka! eedee syouda!" (Sarah, come here). She is on the phone and it surprises me that suddenly I am hearing her say my name and talk about me to the caller...then I hear her tell this person 'Sarah will come to your house at 6 o' clock' ummm....she will? Still worried she motions to me to take a seat on a nearby stool and proceeds to pour me a cup of coffee (without bothering to ask if I'd care for any ;) and push a plate of chocolates my way saying 'eat eat.' She then hangs up the phone smiles and me and tells me she has invited me to her mother-in-laws' house for dinner and we will go together after I stay and hang out with her at work until she closes :) Haha, so now all of a sudden I have plans for the rest of the day that I had no idea about at the beginning of the day. So now I am at home after spending a lovely afternoon helping out at the store and practicing my language skills will customers, then having a lovely family meal with my favorite Ukrainians complete with delicious Georgian wine, toasts and special chocolates.
What a lovely day!

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