Thursday, March 25, 2010

more photos!

This is Sasha and Lena on their wedding day...if you don't know Sasha was my host brother when I came to Ukraine 4 years ago...he is all grown up now! ( I can say this because I am older than him ;)

This is Sasha and Lena's daughter Yeva, I have adopted her as my Ukrainian niece and spoil her rotten as is my right and privilege ;)

This is a pic from the special kindergarten/boarding school that I will start to work with in another few weeks. This was taken on the day of the school's recital for the 8th of March (National Women's Day and very big holiday here in Ukraine) Note the little guy in the middle with his classically ukrainian haircut of JUST long is like the reverse mullet and is very popular here

Another picture of Sasha and Lena, this time taken during our own celebration of Women's day...Sasha took us to a fancy restaurant for dessert and dancing...we had such a blast and drank lots of delicious Ukrainian Champagne!

1 comment:

  1. oops, still trying to figure out the formatting of labeling my pictures...all the directions are in russian...sorry but they are out of order...the top pic is Sasha and Lena at the restaurant, the second is the kindergarten, the third is Yeva and the forth is of course the wedding photo...sorry for the confusion...I will work on it :)
